Effective May 1, 2021, the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) credential from (ISC)² was updated. In the previous installment of this two-part series, we looked at …
One of the most valued vendor-neutral security certifications today is the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) credential offered by cybersecurity professional …
Several years ago, the term “mentoring” saw a spike in popularity. Some of that was because within the realm of human resources and organizational behavior, there is always a phrase …
Quite often, if you work at an organization long enough, then you start getting looped in on visits with potential employees and asked to participate in interviewing them. While this is particularly …
When it comes to software, the money that you spend — or save — on licensing can be substantial. Because of this, you are seeing questions on the topic starting to appear on certification exams ...
I am puzzled. It seems as though news outlets, industry reports, and vendors galore keep talking more and more about large companies or organizations being hacked — yet very few of those businesses ...
A plethora of certifications are available that are either wholly about the Scrum method of agile software development, or that include questions on it. The Scrum framework ...
Over the years, I've noticed many shifts in what things are called and the changes in language have always fascinated me. My first recollection of this was moving as a kid from one home to another. There ...
One of the technologies that regularly pops up on lists of what you should know (or learn) to increase your IT skills is NLP: Natural Language Processing. While this has been around for a while ...
A revolution is upon us — a wave of change so ubiquitous it is difficult to detect even while living ...
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