There's no free lunch, and there are no sure things. (John Cusack might beg to differ. On the other hand the sure thing in The Sure Thing didn't turn out to be a sure thing at all, now, did it?) Except that certification and training provider TestOut is pretty sure its training can equip anyone with job-ready IT skills. They're actually sure to the tune of $1,000.
TestOut offers training that supports a variety of certifications handled by other organizations, but the company also has its own line of "Pro" certifications. These TestOut credentials are aligned with various other certifications, and completing a TestOut course is sort of like a certification BOGO. If you plow through TestOut's CompTIA A+ training, for example, then you'll learn everything you need to know to take and pass the A+ exam — but the exam for TestOut's own PC Pro credential is included in the cost of your training.
Makes sense? Let's get back to the big news. TestOut is currently promoting its Pro certifications — including PC Pro, Network Pro, Security Pro, Linux Pro, Desktop Pro, and more — with a newfangled Skills Guarantee. It's simple: TestOut guarantees that anyone who has a Pro certification will be ready to perform on day one of their next IT job.
This is where the color green comes in. If after at least three weeks on the job, your employer is not satisfied with your performance, then TestOut will compensate them up to $1,000. (Subject to a few terms and conditions, naturally.) How's that for a bargaining chip at your next job interview? There are a lot of certifications out there, and employers aren't always up to speed on everything they see on a resume. TestOut is so confident in its training and its certificants that the company is ready to make employers an offer they can't refuse.
(OK, sure, they could refuse it. But why would they? Who says no to a cool grand?)
Like most good things in life, the Skills Guarantee won't last forever: It's only on the books for Pro-certified individuals who are hired no later than Aug. 31. Still, if you already have a Pro cert, or you're energetic enough to polish one off and get a job in just two months' time, then the Skills Guarantee might be worth investigating.
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